Meet the makers...

Eileen Marie

Age: 15

Birth Date: 9/24/84

Astrological Sign: Libra


Hobbies: Sailor Moon daa.. (watching and

drawing), drawing, bowling, watching MTV,

 shopping, softball, drama club


Favorite Color: Blue


Favorite Foods: pizza, macaroni and cheese,

strawberries, spaghetti, Nerds (the candy),

kiwi,french fries, hash browns


Least Favorite Foods: liver, beans, blue

cheese, parimsan cheese, sharp cheese (see

a trend)

What Annoys Me: my little sister,

mean people, judjemental people, false

friends (they suck!), school


Obsessions: Sailor Moon


Stuff I Like: movies, vedging out, looking

 for hot guys, being crazy, hanging out w/

 my friends,Blink 182


My Dream: to have all the sailor moon

 episodes dubbed, to be an interior designer,

 to be an actress,to be rich


I Believe: you should always believe in

yourself and have a goal. Also you should

 have some sense of humor.




Kerry Jean

Age: 15

my b-day: 8-28-84

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Hobbies: BOWLING, drawing, the obvious

(sailor moon), listening to music, shopping,

(specially for my shoe fetish), softball,

drama club, dancing

Favorite Color: any shade of blue


Favorite Foods: Ice Cream, wings,

French Toast, Pizza Hut pizza, Ice Cream,

turkey, Reeses Sticks, grapefruit, did i

mention Ice Cream? Chinese Food


Least Favorite Foods: FISH, fast food

(Mc Donald's is EVIL and dirty, cept for

breakfast food) ,candybars (cept for

crunch bars)

What Annoys Me: long phone conversations

that go nowhere, annoying people, mean

people, getting bossed around, waiting for

stuff to load, school

Obsessions: Sailor Moon, X-Files

( the truth IS out there!)


Stuff I Like: having parties, helping out

people, adventure movies, sci-fi flicks,

hot guy hunting, laughing, being

stupid/crazy, sweet guys, Blink182


My Goal/Dream : To save the planet

(environmentally), find a cure for cancer,

to make world peace, to save all the animals,

to be rich, to travel the world, to travel

with the backstreet boys even though i

can't sing *and i will* ^_^

  I Believe: You should always have a dream,

 never accept anything but the impossible,

 the sky is the limit, life's too short not to

take risks. oh yea get out there and

make friends!


::meet the makers:: ::dark side of the palace:: ::credits:: ::sailor shopping!:: ::thoughts:: ::silver crystal palace home::